User Group - Thanks for Joining us in Brentwood!
We had a great turnout of current Laserfiche Users last week in Nashville for our User Group Meeting. Users were able to see how other Organizations are using Laserfiche as we had several customers share their Fiche Stories. We also were able to introduce many to Laserfiche Forms, Laserfiche Connector and everything that is new within the Laserfiche 10.3 release.
It is always amazing to see the true flexibility of Laserfiche when looking at the wide range of organization types and job types that are represented in any of our classes. In this User Group alone, we had Local Government, K12 School Districts, a Utility Company, a State Government agency, a large health insurance company, a Restaurant and a few other small, private businesses as well. Great ideas shared and we are looking forward to our next Meeting!
Congratulations to Wilson County Schools for winning a new Epson Scanner!
Thanks to Laserfiche, Epson Scanners and Envision Conference Center for all the help!